I couldn't be more thrilled to announce that I will be hosting another event in 2020,
A Secret Garden Affaire!
The joy and excitement of bringing together so many lovely ladies this year for A Dreamy Bohemian Affaire was a much needed recharge and reminded me about everything I love about hosting these events! It was magical!
Continuing on the journey of everything I adore, this new secret garden theme will be all about romance, florals, shabby vibes and lots of beautiful feminine dreams and colors. I say this every time but I can't wait to share with you my vision for a relaxing weekend of friendship, creativity and laughter. It has been quite a year and I know I need something special to look forward to!
I am most excited about sharing with you the amazing team of artists that have agreed to come along with me on this new adventure! I am beyond honored to bring you these creative souls who have inspired me for many years. Not only will they dazzle you with their talents but the projects they've created for this event are SO gorgeous!

Our Garden Girls Creative Team is made up of the following romantic creatives ~ Arlene Baker, our lovely millenary, beading and floral artist truly talented beyond measure, Jane Blanco, our exquisite doll whisperer and painter who makes my heart swoon, Rita Reade, my beautiful Italian artistic muse, skilled in all things soldering, assemblage and tattered, and Beth Leintz, our fabulous vintage expert in everything embroidered, pieced, and loved. We will be joined again by Cynthia Shaffer who always captures so many cherished moments behind the lens just at the right moment giving us lasting memories to hold on to. And then there is me, promising to take care of your needs, make you smile and create a seamless weekend of inspiration for you to enjoy!

If you've attended one of my events in the past, you already know that this is something I do with a heart full of love and giving. I can't wait to share with you all the details of this beautiful gathering and do hope you will join me again or come for the first time! There is no better joy then bringing women together, making new friends and witnessing the beauty that can happen if we encourage, support and understand each other in a creative environment. Let's make something beautiful in 2020!