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October 27, 2011



Ohhh, I can't wait!!! When I saw this on FB I thought OMG is registratin open today?! what a cool way to celebrate my birthday, LOL, I'll have to be patient until November 6th!


I'm so excited to be a part of this event. Everything looks amazing. D
So looking forward to it!


Susan Shintaku

I can't wait!! It will be over the top splendid! xoxo


Kim, I would love to come out for your Event, but I have to play it by ear. I have a Grandbaby due the 9th of April, my daughter and her family live in China. I am keeping my fingers crossed they decide to come to the States for the Birth. If so, and there is room I will be signing up! I just know it will be a Beautiful Event!!

Huggs, Nancy


Sounds amazing Kim! And with so many of my favorite ladies involved! :o)


Tammy Gilley

Love the Audrey theme, Kim! Fun!

Heidi Woodruff

Oh gosh, what a delightful event! I'll have to study this some more! And Jessi is already showing us her special "Tiffany Nails"! :) Hugs, Heidi

Kim Caldwell

I hope you can come play with us Heidi! You will love it - promise!!


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amy coon

Ugh why must I live so far away? This sounds amazing!

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