
Cheryl Simpson

Hi Kim,

You do mean May 30th and not March 30th...right???


I am interested in doing this with my sister-(we live in NY-but it would be an excuse ot go to LA) where in LA is it- my daughter lives in Hancock Park- is that close?

andrea villarreal

Yes, yes, yes please send me a registration form:)

Tammi Ameli

Amazing classes as always Kim... I seriously can't wait. Thanks for giving me something crafty to look forward to. Miss seeing you.

Amy Powers

I can't wait!


You have some wonderful teachers on board but you are especially lucky to have Amy! This is one event I would just love to attend!


DRAT! Wish sooo badly I could come to this. If it was the next weekend, I'd be there!

Tamerie Shriver

Please send me a registration form. I am hoping to be able to work out coming. It sounds like a it'll be a blast.


How do you register?


I'm so looking forward to this event.

Jillian Forrester

Just to be clear, will you be providing some doo-dads for the mosaic box? I don't think i have any of those types of things.
Looking forward to the event!

Heidi Kilgore

Hi Kim,

Are there still seats available for this event? Would you send me a registration form, and directions to the event ( if still available) Thank You so much!! I would also like to know of upcoming events.



amy faldet

Gorgeous! Blessings.


how did the event go? bet is was great fun.

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